121 Services
Below you will find information on 121 health support and training from Charlie CGR Cooke. We have tried to cover the most common questions and queries, however, always feel free to just get in touch if you have any questions!
Who's it for?
Personal health coaching is for those wanting a comfortable place to go for personal advice specific to your body, habits and life. A place to learn how to control your mental and physical health through good nutrition and exercise. A place to have a friendly opportunity to burn off all the stress that's holding back your personal progress, and to massively improve your abilities and fitness for the life you lead.
What do I know?
I don't know about you, but I like to know that the person I'm listening to actually knows what they're talking about. You can see my full list of qualifications and experience on my LinkedIn profile here. As a brief overview:
- Accredited ANutr nutritionist with the Association for Nutritionists (AfN)
- Level 5 higher diploma in Nutrition Sciences (specialising in nutrition biochemistry and physiology) from Leeds Beckett University
- BSc. Degree in Nutrition and Marketing from Newcastle University
- Level 2 Gym Instruction and Level 3 Personal Training, CIMSPA accredited
- Level 2 England Boxing head coach and former competitive coach/co-founder of Newcastle University ABC
- Over a decade in boxing and 8 years working in fitness, with experience in personal training, boxing coaching, gym management, and global fitness media and marketing (digital and print). Additionally, 9 years chef experience up to the present day (food still has to taste good!)
- Published nutrition writer for specialist publications such as Complete Nutrition, including own column - 'In Cooke's Corner' - in Network Health Digest magazine
- Hold relevant safeguarding children certification, enhanced DBS, and insurance
- Diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome (now termed Autistic Spectrum Disorder) and experience bipolar depression and ADHD symptoms as concurrent factors. Fitness and health is not achieved by avoiding our psychology, but by mastering it.
What are my options?
Body metric analysis includes your physical measurements (height, weight, arm, thigh, blood pressure, heart rate) alongside body composition metrics such as body fat, lean mass, hydration status, and calorie requirements. These metrics are great, but only when in the right hands, so we recommend coming in for a full physical, mental and lifestyle health consultation.
Advanced analysis and health consultancy is an in-depth discussion about your lifestyle, diet and exercise habits and aims to provide a real-world top-level approach to maintaining the lifestyle you wish to live. Such sessions cover factors such as lifestyle metrics, sleep quality, stress levels, diet and exercise habits, advice on meeting your calculated nutrition requirements to hit your targets, habit formation, and exercise advice to include not just your in-class and 121 session training but also at home training. A summary email is provided following this session.
*Any new clients requiring fitness, nutrition and lifestyle programming or 121 support must undertake an initial consultation session. Analysis sessions do not require a consultation.*
Nutrition and exercise programming is advised following your advanced analysis and consultancy session as instead of a summary email, you will receive a full multi-page document summarising everything we've covered in session plus your personalised training programme, nutrition strategy, and any additional helpful resources that will help you follow your programme. This is an ongoing document and resource that will be updated with every consultation session as you develop your healthful lifestyle and fitness levels; adding training targets, adjusting diet habits, modifying or rewriting training sessions, and overall adapting to your continued evolution.
121 coaching sessions are also offered to help with adhering to your training sessions. A coach has multiple roles in such sessions, including educating you on how to effectively execute exercises with form that will promote the best results and minimize risk of injury, pushing you harder than you'd push alone, being someone to hold you accountable for turning up and putting in the work, and simply being a friend there for you to vent to. Some may only want the odd session to go through your workouts with you and make sure performing it correctly, others may want a coach on hand in every session. We can cater to both and have access to a group of specialist coaches that can assist you along your training programme.
Training packages are then created with a pick-and-mix selection of the above options to tailor make a programme, typically 6-weeks, that will ensure to see specific changes in your outlined targets.
How do I get started?
Simply get in touch with Charlie via email at cgrcooke@gmail.com with your best days/times for training, general goal, and any background information that may be relevant to your training programme. This particularly applies to any existing health conditions, injuries, or historical issues. We will go through all of this in your consultation regardless but it helps to ensure nothing is forgotten and that we cover all bases.
You can learn more about Charlie's personal values by clicking here.
I look forward to hearing from you soon!