Case Study: Charlie Cooke Lifestyle Assessment and Health Consultancy Session

If you've been on the 121 Services page you may have noticed that we offer advanced analysis and health consultancy sessions which includes not just your body analysis as standard, telling you information such as your body composition (i.e. body fat percentage and lean body weight), height/weight, BMI, and other such valuable in-depth physical health measures, but also provides a check in on lifestyle metrics such as sleep, stress levels, diet and exercise habits, advice on meeting your calculated nutrition requirements to hit your targets, habit formation, and exercise programming to include not just your in-class and 121 session training but also at home training.

This is a great option for those just needing to understand their current position, both physically and psychologically, as often it can be hard to see our lifestyle as a whole when just trying to make it from one day to the next. 

As a result of this understanding, we are able to pair your existing habits and preferences with peer-reviewed academic research and heaps of professional experience to define an action plan through which we can work to reach your defined goals. 

As this is a service that many haven't experienced before, below is an example transcript from such a session with none-other than Charlie Cooke - Union Jab and CGR Cooke founder and owner. 

By reading the below you will see an honest account as would be obtained in such a session, and the clearly defined targets, methods and habits through which Charlie reaches his own personal targets while working around a very busy and active lifestyle while also experiencing the confounding effects of autism (plus ADHD/bipolar depression symptoms that come with it). 

You will be able to see the in-depth body metrics that are relevant to not just defining goals but calculating the nutrition metrics required to achieve them, plus a holistic approach to balancing personal factors with such analytical data. 

Following on from such sessions, the client will then work with Charlie to define a training programme, nutrition strategy, and agree further short-term targets which will be sent in a separate email so that there is a clearly defined action plan in place

I hope that the below assists you in seeing the level of thought and detail that go into such sessions and that you consider investing in your health with such a session soon! They are currently £40 and you can book in by contacting Charlie directly at



High level of activity, avg 20+hrs per week. Formally elite level fitness in sport of boxing. Go through periods of sport obsession followed by abstention with minimal exercise for short periods, typically due to injury. High history of injury due to excess stress and overuse. Issue with increasing exercise volume + intensity too rapidly. Matched with stress of starting/managing businesses results in high risk of physical and mental illness and injury.

Current PAL

Very Low




Very High

Highly active job as a fitness coach. Work long hours with little time at home. Time spent outside of coaching typically remains stress-inclusive, i.e. chef work, home renovations, car mechanics. Try to spend 1 day a week resting and sleep-in whenever possible. Hate early mornings and also increases injury risk. Over previous 6+ weeks have incrementally added an early morning 1k swim, followed by a 5k run, followed by a second run at 2 week intervals. Next addition will be mid-afternoon sparring at Fenham ABC again at a 2 week interval.

Target PAL

Increase boxing training for self, specifically sparring. No interest in competition but wish to spend more sparring time with professional and elite amateur boxers. Running wish to run Kielder marathon distance as a one-off but generally little interest in 10k+ or even 10 mile+. Regular 5k runs valuable. Increase swimming ability and participation in cross-sports (i.e. kayaking, climbing, trail running). Main goal is to improve aesthetic body goals and GPP while remaining injury free.

Training Motivators

Being back in front of the camera wish to improve body aesthetics for self-confidence and trust-enforcement reasons. Also wish to return to elite-level fitness in order to spar/challenge top level boxers in their preparation for bouts, though remaining injury free.


Rarely home making meal prep difficult. When home wish to relax. Tendencies to snack and have strong cravings for sweet/fatty foods – such cravings are overwhelming and often meeting them is better than abstaining. Very limited time for own training due to job. Highly active job uses training adaptation energy increasing injury risk if volume raised too quickly. History of injury to both shoulders, lower back, left knee, left hip, wrists and elbows, two mallet fingers, and left trapezius.

Training Likes/Dislikes

Love boxing technical and sparring training, strongman/power/Olympic lifting, trail running, rock climbing, swimming, kayaking, some cycling, and general outdoor activities. Dislike early morning training, long sessions, and HIIT work without adequate warm-up (physical and psychological).

Short Goal (4-week)

Introduce Saturday sparring session and retain space in diary for this session. Find a space for a strength session.

Mid Goal (3-6 month)

Increase strength session to 2x per week (upper/lower) plus 1x cross sport session.

Long Goal (6-12 month)

Maintain all sessions consistently without injury.


Sleep Quality                       


Sleep Quantity


Daily Stress Experience


Self Confidence




Social Health



Height cm


Weight kg






Chest cm


Waist cm


Hip cm


W/H Ratio


MUA cm


Thigh cm








Lean kg


Water %




Dry Lean
























Current Daily Diet Habits

- Work

- Home

- Off-time

- Major obstacles

Diet management largest issue – mix of early and mid-morning starts results in rare breakfast. First meal typically consists of some form of snack. Large diet made up from snacking (pork scratchings, flapjacks, trail mix, reduced section random items). Evening meal often binge eating many different foods when getting home depending on what is available – ravenous eating, not always hunger-driven. Eat beyond point of being full. This habit tends to present during stressful periods. Vegetable intake currently low, though generally when higher presents large benefit. Potential IBS so vegetable choices/methods limited. Mental health large factor in dietary choices, and vice versa. Have recently began lowering caffeine intake – history of excessive alcohol intakes which has also dramatically reduced, though drinking even 1-2x week presents noticeable detriments to mental health. Both factors important to minimise, though abstention again precarious due to personality factors.  

Target Diet Habits

- Work

- Home

- Off-time

- Major wins

Increase intake of cabbage (no digestive distress) potentially kimchi for probiotic gains relating to mental health, IBS, and autism factors due to gut-brain matrix. Increase lean meat intake to be bulk cooked with salads and cous-cous. Budget large factor due to low income so focus placed on cheap lean cuts. Eggs to be consumed on morning to assist with protein intake. Return to low caffeine/alcohol intake, though retain 1-3x week intakes of either limited to 150mg caffeine or 2 beers/glasses red wine.

Dietary Restrictions/Barriers

Potential IBS limiting fruit/vegetable intake. Often processed foods required for simple digestibility factors. High calorie budget (3500+) mitigates such intakes. Mental health can influence foods so convenience important factor in accordance with limited prep time availability.

Diet Likes/Dislikes

Like salads, curries, rice/cous cous, Greek yoghurt, Mediterranean simple foods. Love pork scratchings. Dislike complex meals with a lot of steps. Prefer simple one-pot meals. 8+years chef experience assists meal choices.

Short-Term Habit Change (2-4 weeks)

Increase cabbage-based salad intake – Kimchi experimentation. Establish meal prep for minimum 3 days per week. Retain good convenience snacks

Short/Mid-Term Habit Change (4-6 weeks)

Reduce reliance on convenience foods and establish diary time for food prep/shopping. Increase protein intake.

Mid-Term Habit Change (6+ weeks)

Return to consistent diet prep with work-life balance reaching more stable equilibrium



2025 (Cunn)

2109 (BStat)

Daily Expenditure

3585 (BStat)

3500 (Track)

Target Kcal

+ 200kcal



Target Protein


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